Heres a pic off my cousins
and my mom while in
Florida! Moms on the left
(duh) and Nikki is next to
her and Mikey is behind them!
This is Ashley (I have a
pic of me holding a Koala
but its sooo bad!)
This is MY cat Puddy!
She adopted us! The
neighbors left her
when they moved
and she showed up
on our doorstep and
I claimed her! :-D
Heres a pic of my older sister,
Danielle (18)
This is my bunny rabbit
named Spott! I got him
on my birthday like..3
years ago! His real name
is Sir Monteque Spott
of Canterbury! (Dont ask)

Here is a pic of our
doggie Puddles (dont
ask how he got his
name) His whole name
is Sir Wellington
Puddles of Canterbury!
(dont ask)