Hey all! Are you wondering how I witness in my
English class in public school? Well, you see, I write a lot of stories...and they are all about the Christian life. Sooooo,
what I do is write about Christians and God and when my teacher reads my story... shes learning about the wonderful truth!
:-D I wrote this story for my final and you know what... my teacher gave me an A!
The Life
The doors opened into a place
teens are stuck in for about 4 years of their life. No one knew the torment and criticism people go through in high school
hallways and classrooms during the 21st Century. Escpecially those teens who believe the truth, the way life was meant to
be. Those true Christians who share their faith with anyone who listens go through so much in high school, and as the girl
walked down the hallway she would walk through so many times, she thought about what might happen to her that year. The 15
year old girl walked through the crowded hallways like a panther on the prowl. She was looking for something, and she wasn't
going to stop until she found it. Her first day of sophomore year at her new school, Catonscreek High, was going rather well
actually. The normal giggling of the freshmen and high fives of the football players made Chloe Steali feel excited. As she
walked by a group of guys, a boy with short dark brown hair walked backwards in retreat with his hands in the air. Chloe began
to wonder...Guys can be so weird sometimes! But, that guy doesn't look like he's a part of the group. From what Chloe
heard the guys had been talking about, the boy was never going to go out with any girls like the rest of them. Chloe figured that
he either didn't agree with what they were talking about, or he didn't want to answer them. As Chloe neared him she turned
her head to read the clock, which said 7:25, and ran straight into the retreating boy. Chloe's books flew as she fell in a
heap on the floor. The boy stood up and brushed himself off and after seeing what he had ran into knelt down.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" the boy asked in a serious
voice. The group of guys he had been standing with fell to the ground in laughter, but the boy just knelt there starring at
"Yeah, I'm fine," was the only thing Chloe could
"Let me help you up," the boy said offering his
hand which Chloe took. She got to her feet as the boy picked up her books.
"Thanks," Chloe said as she took her books.
"No prob'," the boy said, "are you new here?"
"Yea, I just moved here from PA," Chloe told him.
"Cool, I have family there. I'm Cameron by the way,
Cam for short," Cam said holding out his hand. Chloe took it realizing he was wearing a familiar bracelet with some letters
on it.
"I'm Chloe. Um, what does your bracelet say?"
"Uh, it says 'WWJD'," Cam said pulling his sleeve
over the bracelet.
"I have one too," Chloe told him while pulling up
the sleeve of her white sweater revealing a silver bracelet with the letters 'WWJD' imprinted on it.
"Cool! I don't see many people that have these bracelets
in this school."
"Me neither," Chloe said. As she said this the group
of guys behind her started cat-calling and she turned around. As Chloe did this one of the guys yelled out.
"Hey Cam! Look, it's a freak like you! Now you'll
have someone to sit with! Hah!"
"Oh, shut up, Pete!" Cam called. Cam turned bacl
to Chloe,"Just ignore them. They're those guys that like making our life crazy." The group of guys walked away making weird
faces and shapes with their hands.
"Oh, okay," Chloe said laughing.
"So, what's your first class?" Cam asked.
"Hold on, let me look," Chloe siad as she pulled
a piece of paper out of her blue backpack, "Religious studies with Mr. Sidder."
"Me too! Here, the bell is about to ring so let
me walk you there," Cam said just as the bell rang. Kids stormed through the hallway, a bunch of elephants rampaging to a
water hole. The two kids walked to the end of a yellow hallway and into an empty room. Or atleast it looked empty until Chloe
saw a teacher sitting on a desk.
"Why, hello!" the man said.
"Mr. Sid, this is Chloe," Cam said. Cam walked to
a table in the back of the large classroom and placed his bag on the desk. Chloe then noticed how tall Cam was. He had to
of been about 5 foot 8. Chloe looked around at the pictures while answering the teacher.
"Hi," Chloe said quietly.
"I'm Mr. Sidder and I'll be your teacher for the
year. Here at Catonscreek a few handful of kids have only one teacher for all their classes. You and Cam are two out of the
ten. Cam, I'll ask you to help Chloe get settled here and show her the ropes. Oh, and Chloe, you can call me Mr. Sid," the
mad said. He was a young teacher with sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and glasses.
"Ok," was all Chloe had to say. But then Cloe thought
of what she had been looking for earlier. "Oh! Mr. Sidder! I mean, Mr. Sid. I don't know if you know but is there a Bible
study or anything like that here?" Chloe asked. With that question Cam and Mr. Sid starred at each other.
"Actually, there is. I run it and Cam here is the
president. We made it into a kind of club since there are only a couple people who want to be in it," Mr. Sid sais with a
"Are you a Christian?" Cam blurted out.
"Cam! Don't just ask her that. Well, I mean, dont
just surprise her like that!" Mr. Sid scolded.
"No, its ok. Yea, I am." Chloe said smiling. Cam
smiled and whispered something to Mr. Sid that Chloe couldn't hear.
"Yes, ok Cam. Chloe, you'll be sitting back there
at the round table with Cameron, and before anyone "picks" on you, there have only been 4 people out of all my classes for
the past two years who have sat there and you and Cam are two of them. There has only been that many because I put extreme
Christians back there. If you haven't read the form, in this class you learn a lot about Christianity and other religions.
That is why it's called Religious Studies. You and Cam will be getting different assignments along with some of the rest of
the class assignments. Unless, of course, you don't want to," Mr. Sid told her.
"No, no! Of course I want to," Chloe was smiling.
"Ok, just making sure. But, first I want to make
sure you know a lot about Christianity so I don't make you do stuff on things you don't know about."
"Yea, I believe I do," Chloe answered. Cam was still
sitting on the round table.
"Good," Mr. Sid responded.
"Hey, Mr. Sid! Where is the rest of the class?"
Cam asked suddenly.