Hey! If yah didnt know, my names
is Jessica...aka Loopie! I'm 16 years old (as of 7-26-03) and I am now in the 12th grade! My crazy best friend is Alexis (AKA
Chatterbox or Partay Girl)! If you didnt know, I'm a true born again witnessing believer! YAY!
I've gots a momma and a dad. I have
2 sisters (Danielle, 19 and Ashley, 18) and a annoying lil bro (Jason, 15) Yup yup. I have a rabbit (Spott...aka Sir Monteque
Spott of Canterbury...dont ask) and a cat (Puddy)... We had a family dog (Puddles.. aka Sir Wellington Puddles of Canterbury...
dont ask) but he died on March 4th, and my sister has an evil bird (Charcoal) YUPPIES.
you read over there -----> my fav animal is a polar bear! The picture below is of Magnet the polar bear from the Baltimore
Zoo! Hes my polar bear (well not really) but he's my fav polar bear other then Ahpun from Alaska!

Hey! What else should I write here? ok, I'll talk about something I love. Lets
see, my favorite sport in the whole world is baseball and I play softball (since Im a girl and guys dont know how good I play).
Lets see, I am a pitcher and second baseee! We're called the Angels.. but im a true Mariner for life!!!
I went to this thing at the end of last June called
Creation Fest (my 3rd year) and it was the best year! It was sooo amazing! I worked in the music store and met up with John,
Amy, and Kevin, which was amazing!!!! :-D I saw Steven Curtis Chapman for the first time and he was AWESOME!!! and Audio A
rocked the stage! FM Static rocked too!!
And I went to Winter Festival Dec. 30,31,Jan 1 2004. It was made awesome man! Audio A rocked the
place, and Paul got the attention he needed! You rock my friend! Everyone check out Paul Wright's page cuse hes my rockin
flip floppin friend.
Ok, now about my big brothers! John and Kevin are my "big bros". I love them so much! Theyre always
there for me when I need them! Kevin is my barnabas! John rocks my flipflops! Check out www.jesusfreakhideout.com I'm def their number one fan! John and Kev thanks for being there for me! You guys mean so
much to me!!!! Creation rocked! Thanks for letting me hang out with you guys! Haha Amy -- I had fun seeing FM Static, TFK,
RRWC, David Crowder (CHOWDER) Band with yah! lol. Inside joke:
Me: "Stop making fun of me!!!"
John: "I'm not! I'm mocking you!!!"
hahaha you rock my friend!!!! John's my scripture buddy!!!!! I hope to see you guys soon!!!
Check out my livejournal:
"Crying may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning." -- Psalm 30:5

Food: tacos
Color(s): Blue, Green, and yellow
Band: Audio Adrenaline
Animal: Polar Bear!
My Big Brothers: John and Kev
Actor(s): In order: Orlando Bloom, Kirk Cameron, Johnny Depp
Music: Christian rock!
Place: Church and Costa Rica
Book(s): Bible, Left Behind (the whole series)
Author(s): Ted Dekker, Jerry B. Jenkins
Singer(s): Steven Curtis Chapman & Paul Wright
A place I wanna go: Haiti
TV Show: 7th Heaven
Soccer Player: Oliver Kahn all the way! Movie: A Walk to Remember, LORD OF THE
RINGS, Pirates of the Caribbean
Car: Yellow Jeep Wrangler with a black soft top -- OR -- '69 Chevy Camaro Z-28 Red
w. white stripes :-) (i have a picture over there <----)
Where do I wanna go more than anything: Germany
Dog: Weimereiner
Musical Instrument: Piano (duh I play it)
Live Performance: Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, and RRWC
Last Concert seen: Newsboys @ Creation fest, and audio a, steven curtis chapman, etc.
Next Concert Im seeing: PauLy PauL WRiGhT
Sport(s): softball n BASEBALL! Sports Team: Ravens, and Germany (SOCCER BABY!)
Drink: Water, rootbeer
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Candy: starbursts
Embarrasing moments: too many to count... one is spilling my milkshake in front of
my boyfriend at Friendlys
Comic: Garfield
Artist(s): Edgar Degas, John!!!! People I Most Admire: Ben Carson, Steven Curtis
Chapman, and my momma!!
My Hero: my ma