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One of the best movies I've ever seen!

Ok, Lord of the Rings is one of the best movies EVER man!!!Hahaha one of my fav actors is in it (Orlando Bloom) and he plays as Legolas!
Here are some of the other characters:
Aragorn - Viggo Mortensen
Arwen - Liv Tyler
Bilbo Baggins - Ian Holm
Boromir - Sean Bean
Celeborn King of Lothlorien - Marton Csokas
Denethor - John Noble
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Eomer - Karl Urban
Eowyn of Rohan - Miranda Otto
Faramir - David Wenham 
Frodo Baggins - Elijah Wood
Galadriel - Cate Blanchett
Gamling - Bruce Hopkins
Gandalf - Ian McKellen
Gimli - John Rhys-Davies
Gollum - Andy Serkis
Grima Wormtongue - Brad Dourif
King Theoden of Rohan - Bernard Hill
Merry - Dominic Monaghan 
Pippin - Billy Boyd
Sam - Sean Astin
Saruman - Christopher Lee

Another hott actor named Elijah Wood!

Pictures of Orlando Bloom as Legolas:


